
Learn 9 Benefits of Going to a Chiropractor

  When you're in pain, you want it to go away—and fast. Chiropractic care from Risoldi Family Chiropractic in Clearwater can help with that. But chiropractors offer much more than just a treatment for back pain or another specific condition. In fact, chiropractic is the only healthcare profession with the training to diagnose [...]

2023-05-17T22:12:47+00:00August 25th, 2022|0 Comments

What is a therapeutic massage?

  Many people don't realize that chiropractors may offer massage therapy for their patients. This type of massage is called therapeutic massage, which is a style of massage therapy that is combined with chiropractic services. Massage therapy techniques are used to manipulate muscles and soft tissue in order to reduce pain and tension [...]

2023-05-17T22:13:07+00:00August 15th, 2022|0 Comments
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