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Many people don’t realize that chiropractors may offer massage therapy for their patients. This type of massage is called therapeutic massage, which is a style of massage therapy that is combined with chiropractic services. Massage therapy techniques are used to manipulate muscles and soft tissue in order to reduce pain and tension in the body. Therapeutic massage may include several different techniques including deep tissue and sports massage to treat injuries or chronic pain. Patients may seek out chiropractic therapeutic massages because their benefits are many, including pain relief, improved posture, immune system support and enhanced blood circulation.

Patients who suffer from lower back pain or upper neck pain find that they benefit from this type of massage as well as chiropractic treatment. Once a patient receives an assessment, the chiropractor will develop a treatment plan that may include this type of massage therapy. It’s an effective way to relieve muscle tension and reduce stress on joints. Risoldi Family Chiropractic has helpful information for you to learn more about this chiropractic service.


Many people don’t realize that chiropractors may offer massage therapy for their patients.

As a matter of fact, you can find some chiropractors like Dr. Mike Risoldi who actually offer the entire range of massage therapy services, including Swedish and deep tissue massage, as well as trigger point therapy and myofascial release.

It’s definitely worth considering adding this complementary treatment option into your overall wellness plan because it also has been shown time and time again by scientific research that massage therapy provides wide-ranging positive health benefits from reducing stress levels to improving sleep quality.

Therapeutic massages may be used to treat injuries or chronic pain and can be used to treat lower back pain or upper neck pain, tennis elbow or frozen shoulder. Therapeutic massages are usually performed by trained professionals in a clinic or doctor’s office. Although there are different types of therapeutic massages, they all tend to focus on the same areas of the body:

  • The head and neck
  • The shoulders, arms and hands
  • The trunk or back area (including hips)


Massage therapy techniques are used to manipulate muscles and soft tissue in order to reduce pain and tension in the body.

Massage therapy is a form of physical therapy used to treat many different types of pain. It can help to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and reduce muscle tension. Massage therapy is used to treat muscle injuries, chronic pain, and sports injuries.


Therapeutic massage may include several different techniques including deep tissue and sports massage to treat injuries or chronic pain.

The main difference between therapeutic and relaxation massages is that the latter does not address any specific issues, but aims to reduce stress and tension in your body.

If you have a condition such as arthritis, chronic back pain or other muscular conditions, a therapeutic massage can help increase blood flow to affected areas by using firm pressure on the muscles. This is called active release therapy (ART), which involves applying pressure into muscle tissue with short strokes, stretching the muscle fibers slightly then holding for 10 seconds before repeating three times along its length until you reach your starting point again. This process encourages healing of scar tissue by breaking up adhesions within soft tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.


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Patients may seek out chiropractic therapeutic massages because their benefits are many, including pain relief, improved posture, immune system support and enhanced blood circulation.

  • Pain Relief:Chiropractic therapeutic massage can help to relieve both chronic and acute pain by increasing your range of motion and reducing muscle tension. In addition to relieving stress on the muscles that connect with your spine and joints in the upper body, this treatment also stimulates blood flow through these areas—which relieves tension associated with poor posture or injuries sustained during exercise or sports activities.
  • Improved Posture: Spinal manipulation techniques used during this treatment encourage correct alignment of your spine while providing a relaxing massage that helps you feel more comfortable standing up straight. This means less strain on your muscles as well as less fatigue from carrying heavy bags or purses around every day!
  • Improved Immune System Functioning: Massaging tendons can increase lymphatic drainage throughout the body; this process removes toxins from our systems so they don’t build up over time (which could lead to sickness). As an added bonus, regular massages boost our natural immunity by increasing our bodies’ production of white blood cells!


Patients who suffer from lower back pain or upper neck pain find that they benefit from this type of massage as well as chiropractic treatment.

Therapeutic massage, which has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for lower back pain and upper neck pain, is also recommended by chiropractors. Chiropractors may recommend therapeutic massage to patients who suffer from these conditions as part of their overall care plan.

It’s important to note that not all massage therapists are trained in the same way. In fact, some are trained specifically in a certain type of massage therapy like Swedish, deep tissue or trigger point therapy (also known as myofascial release). It’s important that you choose a therapist who has experience working with people with similar issues as yours so they can help you get better faster!

Once a patient receives an assessment, the chiropractor will develop a treatment plan that may include this type of massage therapy.

When you receive a massage from a chiropractor, they will first perform an assessment. This is where they will ask you questions about your current health and any injuries that may have happened recently. They also need to know if there are any other health conditions or situations you are facing.

Once the chiropractor has gathered this information, they can then create a treatment plan. This will include the type of massage therapy that will be used as well as which muscles should receive attention during each session.


It’s an effective way to relieve muscle tension and reduce stress on joints.

Therapeutic massage is an effective way to relieve muscle tension and reduce stress on joints. Massage can also be helpful for people who suffer from chronic pain, because it decreases the perception of pain by stimulating the body’s natural production of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers).

However, there are some important things you should know before you start receiving massages from your masseuse:

  • If you have a medical condition or injury that limits your range of motion, contact your doctor prior to getting a massage so he or she can advise you on whether this treatment is right for you.
  • Be careful when receiving deep tissue massages if you have sensitive areas; it may cause more soreness than usual until they subside.


A person can also receive these types of massages if they suffer from issues such as tennis elbow or frozen shoulder.

If a person is experiencing pain and discomfort, these massages can help. They may be used to treat issues such as:

  • Tension headaches
  • Stress relief
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved posture and alignment of joints
  • Relief of muscle tension and tightness in the muscles and soft tissues


It can also relieve tension headaches and provide relaxation.

Massage therapy can also reduce tension headaches and provide relaxation.  Tension headaches, stress, anxiety and pain are all common issues related to work or daily life. These are all things that massage therapy can help relieve. The feeling of relaxation after a massage is also great for insomnia.


Chiropractors often offer therapeutic massage as part of their standard treatment services.

Chiropractors often offer therapeutic massage as part of their standard treatment services like Risoldi Family Chiropractic. This is because the techniques used in therapeutic massage, such as soft tissue manipulation, passive joint mobilization and spinal manipulation, can greatly benefit patients who are suffering from back pain and other similar symptoms.



If you’re looking for a massage that’s more focused on treating your muscles and joints, then this type of massage may be right for you. It can also be used as an alternative to chiropractic treatments such as adjustments or manipulation. If you have any questions about therapeutic massage or chiropractic services don’t hesitate and call Risoldi Family Chiropractic to schedule an appointment!


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